Thursday 4 July 2013

Flag Counter Widget For Blogger

Flag counter widget
Every webmaster like to see visitors coming from different parts of the world. This Flag Counter widget keeps track of your visitors coming from different areas, this widget not only shows the visitor coming from the different countries but also shows the number of page views. This widget links your site to their site and whenever you click on the widget then it will show you the more detailed analysis of your visitors which includes various features like Overview, Details, Today , Yesterday, History and Flag map. 

  • Overview : the Overview page provides the details about the latest visitor, newest country visited your blog, Total number of flags visited on your page, total number of visitors visited yesterday,  30 days average visitors and last thing Record - the maximum number of visitors visited on your site on a particular day.
  • Details : This provides the detailed analysis of each country i.e how many visitors visited on your site/blog from a particular country.
  • Today : This page provides the detailed analysis of present day's visitors.
  • Yesterday : This page provides the detailed analysis of yesterday's visitors.
  • History : This page provides you the details of each and every day from the time you have placed the flag counter widget on your blog/website.
  • Flag Map : This page gives the details about the geographical locations of visitors.
  • Upgrade : On this page you will get the more advanced version of this widget generally it is pro version of the Flag Counter but for this you have to pay some money.
Also read: How to monitor your website traffic? - Recommended
How to Install it to your blog ?

  • Step1 : Go to their website by clicking this link Flag Counter or you can paste this address on your web browser's address bar " ".
To Enlarge the images Please Click On Them.

  • Step2 : Customize your flag counter as per your requirement.
  • Step3 : Then Click on " Get Your Flag Counter " tab.

  • Step4 : After this a window will pop up asking you for email id and its up to if you want to provide your email id then write there and click " Continue " tab or you can skip this step by clicking " Skip " tab.

  • Step5 : Now copy the HTML code.
To Enlarge the Images Click on them.

  • Step6 : After this log in to your Blogger account then go to Dashboard >> Layout >> Add a gadget.
  • Step7 : Then a window will pop up scroll down and click on "HTML/JAVASCRIPT".

  • Step8 : Now, paste the code you have copied from Flag Counter's page and then click on "SAVE" button.  

  • Step9 : Now you can see your Flag Counter Widget on your blog.
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