Tuesday 15 October 2013

How To Disable Infolinks Ads From Header, Sidebar, Pages And Footer In Blogger ?

Infolinks In-Text Advertising
Infolinks is one of the best In-text advertising network today. It offers various innovative ad formats including the In-Text advertisements. Infolinks In-Text advertisements attracts the visitors attention also it offers good eCPM rates to its publishers and that is the reason why many publisher use Infolinks as a prime source of income.

Infolinks In-Text advertisements are quiet attractive and fast loading but the problem is when we integrate Infolinks script to our sites or blogs, it start showing In-Text advertisements everywhere that is in header, footer, sidebar, posts and pages. Infolinks offers a simple solution to this problem but many publishers don't know how to use it and therefore today in this post i am going to show you how to disable Infolinks In-text advertisements from unwanted areas of your blog.

Basically there are many ways to disable Infolinks In-Text ads from specific areas but here i am going to show you the two best methods.

Also read: Infolinks Review.

Below are the two methods describing how to disable Infolinks ads from specific areas:

First Method:

I have seen many website describing this method, this method actually works but in some templates it doesn't work. So if this method doesn't work for you then try the second method.
  • Log in to your Blogger Account.
  • Go to Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML.
  • Then search for the following code:
Note: You can use CTRL+F for searching this body tag.
  • Now copy and paste the below code just after the above code.
For example:
  • Then search for following code:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
Note: The above code appears two times in the Edit HTML section, so try placing the Infolinks tag after both the codes one by one. 
  • And paste the below code just after it.
For example:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
  • Now save your template and you are done.
This method will disable Infolinks In-Text ads from all other sections of your blog except post and pages.

The above method not working for you, try second method.

Second Method:

This method is not a single step process like above method, so here you have to disable Infolinks ads fro specific areas one by one.

How to disable Infolinks In-Text ads from Sidebar ?

  • Go to Template >> Edit HTML.
  • Then search for the following code:
 <div class='sidebar-wrapper'>
  • Now paste the Infolinks off tag just after it.
For example:
<div class='sidebar-wrapper'>

How to remove Infolinks In-Text ads from Header ?

  • Again in Template's Edit HTML section search for the following code:
<div class='header-wrapper'>
  • Now paste the Infolinks off tag just after or below the above code.
For example:
<div class='header-wrapper'>

How to Remove the Infolinks In-Text ads from Footer section ?

  • In template's Edit HTML section search for the following code:
<div class='footer-wrapper'>
  • Then paste the Infolinks off tag just after or below the above tag.
 For example:
<div class='footer-wrapper'>

How to remove the Infolinks In-Text ads from specific posts and pages ?

  • Go to Dashboard  and select post or page in which you don't want to show ads.
  • Now in page's HTML search the following code:
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
  • And paste the Infolinks off tag just below the above code.
For example:
<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
I hope the above methods will solve your problem.

Also read:


  1. Hi, This is Debbie from Infolinks. Thank you for your post. You're right, with Infolinks you can monetize a website any way you see fit and customize how your ads appear. The goal is to keep all of the ads in areas of your pages that are visible and interesting to your visitors. If you have questions, please contact our Support Team at support@infolinks.com. Good luck!

    1. Hi Debbie, nice to hear you again,
      Infolinks is one of the best network that i have used till date.
