Friday 27 June 2014

How To Index The Labeled Posts Of Blogger On Google ?

We all know that for indexing a post on Google our posts require some content but sometimes we create very small posts basically of four to five lines. So we want them to be indexed as labeled posts but the problem is Google bots do not index the search and labeled posts. So what to do, today i have created a blog and when i tried to index my labeled post then it started showing error like "URLs restricted by robots.txt", then i decided to get rid of that problem. This problem is not that big as it looks like so don't worry.

So now first of all i would like to give you a rough idea about robots.txt file. Basically robots.txt file is created to tell the Google bots which URL's are to be crawled and which are not. I think you have got the rough idea about the problem i.e. the problem is robots.txt file. So the next thing is how we can tell the Google bots to crawl our labeled and archived posts. You can do it by editing the robots.txt file in blogger settings, which is quite simple and takes only few seconds. So if you want to index your labeled posts on Google then simply follow the below steps :
  • Log in to your Blogger Account.
  • Then go to Dashboard >> Settings >> Search Preferences.
  • In search preferences go to Crawlers and indexing.
  • Then click on Edit tab next to Custom robots.txt as shown in screenshot.
To enlarge the image please click on it.

  • Ignore the warning and enter the following below code in the box and save it.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Allow: /search
Allow: /

Customization: Replace my blog URL with your blog URL shown in red.

Note: Basically here the main code that calls the Google bots to crawl your labeled and archive posts is shown in blue. "Allow: /search" means this code is allowing the Google bots to crawl the URLs that contains "/search" keyword. For example : Google bots do not crawl the URLs that look like " Tips" but after you allow them to crawl the URLs that contain "/search" keyword the Google bots will start crawling such URLs.

To know more about above code read this post "How to set up the search preferences in blogger ?".
  • Now click on Edit tab next to the Custom robots header tags.
  • Again ignore the warning and fill the fields as shown in screenshots below.
To enlarge the screenshot please click on it.

  • Then click on Save Changes Tab and you are done.
  • From now Google bots will start indexing your labeled pages.


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