Tuesday 9 September 2014

How To Get Visitors Engaged In Your Blog/Website?

Engaging visitors in your blog is an effective strategy to increase the number of page views of your blog/website. Generally visitors comes to your blog with a motive to get something by searching some keyword on search engines or else if your blog is well known then they could directly come to your blog for fulfilling their motive and after their motive is completed they leave your blog. So this is the thing on which we have to work on, because effective page views can help your blog to grow in various fields such as rankings, earnings, gaining the interest of visitors etc.

If your blog/website is getting high traffic but number of page views is not enough then your blog's bounce rate will increase and also you are loosing your blog's ranking as well as some money that some extra page views can generate for you. So in this article i will suggest you some ways that can help you to engage your visitors in your blog.

Below are the following things that you can consider to engage your visitors in your blog:

Create Attractive Titles For Articles:

This is the main thing on which you have to focus because an attractive title not only increases the number of page views but also increases the number of visitors on your blog/website. An attractive title always gets the visitors attention whether it is shown in your blog's related posts section, popular posts section or within an article as a link but it also gets the visitors attention on search results too. This is the most important thing, so always try to create attractive titles for your articles.

Build Confidence Of Visitors On Your Blog: 

You can build a healthy relationship as well as build the confidence of the  visitors on your blog by writing researched article. Researched articles are important because when a visitor search a specific keyword on search engines then he/she gets the various results so to make your blog different from other blogs try to write some researched articles so that visitors can understand that this is the blog where we can get the quality content and once they start believing in your blog then they first come to your blog rather than going to the search engines. In this way you will get a direct visitor plus your page views will also increase.


This another very important step in the process, Interlink your article with one another. Try to give 4-5 links in an article but make sure they must help the visitor. Just giving any link which is not related to your content is not going to solve your problem. Effective interlinking not only increases the number of page views of your blog but it also helps in decreasing the Bounce rate of your blog. So if you don't know what bounce rate is then you can read this short article:
If your blog has low bounce rate then your blog will rank high in search engine results as well as in Alexa ranking. So try to provide best and most suitable links in your article.

Also Read:

Tell Your Visitors About Recommended Content On Your Blog/website ?

Nobody know your blog better than you, you know the best articles of your blog. So always try to tell your visitors about the recommended content on your blog. You can do this by adding a text "Also Read" or you can also use "Recommended Articles" to show the recommended contents on your blog. And if your post titles are attractive then visitors will definitely see some of your articles and this will reduce the bounce rate of your blog. So never hesitate to tell your visitors about recommended contents on your blog/website. Also if you are running a website which is providing some tools then you can recommend your visitors to use other attractive tools by quoting recommended tools, use our new tool etc.

Place Related Posts, Recent Posts and Popular Posts widget on your blog:

Always try to place at least any one of the above mentioned widgets because all three has their own importance and if possible try to use all three widgets because they can increase the number of page views by a huge margin. But the thing you need to consider is that always try to place attractive widgets that can get the visitors attention and do not harm your blog. I am saying this because some related posts widget providers site, gives you widgets that soaks your link juice. Most of the people don't know about this so let me tell you in brief.

Some Related Post Provider sites like Linkwithin.com and Outbrain.com provide related posts widget for free but their widgets soaks the link juice. After placing their widget on your website/blog, you can see the related posts but whenever a visitor clicks on a related posts link then their widgets first redirects the visitors to their website just for a fraction of second and the again back to the destination page. Also they show their logo that you are using their widgets plus they do not offer more designs and customization. So try to avoid such widgets. So if you want a related posts widget that has various unique designs and doesn't soaks your link juice then you can read the below article where i have described which related posts widget to use for your blog/ website. Basically i have written that article for bloggers but the site that i have described in that article also provides widgets for various other platforms like Wordpress, Tumbler etc and provides JavaScript file for other platforms. So check out the below article for a fantastic related posts widget.
    Also if you don't want to loose much space of your blog then you can use on of the best recent posts widget on your blog. This widget doesn't take much space and shows the recent posts of your blog. Basically this is a news ticker that you can place above your posts to show the recent article. So you can give it a try too:

    Hide Some Articles, Widgets, Plugins, Tools:

    Not getting it from the heading so let me explain you, human are very curious to know the hidden things. In practical life you have seen that people are keep searching for new things, try to search the hidden things whether it is in field of science, art etc. Likewise if you hide some of your article or tool behind your links like : we have used this widget to solve our issue, or you can read this article to find out the solution etc. then this will generate the curiosity among to the visitors to know what is hidden behind that link and as a result you will get some additional page views.

    Place A Site Search Tool:

    Always place a site search tool in your blogs so that if a visitor doesn't gets the content in categories then he/she can search the site for the required content. This is also important because i have seen many visitors who do not bother to look at your categories or menu bar instead they use the search bar to search the required content so it a must have tool for your blog.

    Reply On Comments:

    Try to reply on users comment, this is not only important to develop a healthy relation with your visitors but also to increase number of page views. You can increase the number of page views by solving out the visitors problem by giving the links in comments section that can solve their problems. In this way you can get some additional page views.

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