Thursday 21 August 2014

Problem Of Related Posts Widget In Blogger Templates

As i already said the templates provided by blogger lags various features and this problem is among one of them. Today we get the related posts widget inbuilt in most blogger templates but if want to use the templates provided by Blogger then you have to add this widget manually. There are many websites available online that provides free Related posts widgets for your blogs or websites such as LinkwithIn, Nrelate etc.

But we have to be careful while selecting a related posts widget because it can affect your blog in many ways. So before selecting a related posts widget for our blogs we must check the following things:
  • Check whether the related posts shown in the widgets are actually related or they are just showing the same posts all the time. This is an important step because if your visitors see the same posts all the time in related posts then they will get bored and will surely leave your site which will affect the bounce rate of your blog.
  • The second thing that we need to check while selecting a related post widget is one of the most important thing to be considered. Check whether your related posts widget is soaking your blog's link juice or not. If it is soaking your blog's link juice then it is not good for your blog. You can check it by clicking on any related post shown in related posts widget, when you click a post in related posts check whether it is directly redirecting you to your blog post or it is redirecting you first to its website(that is related posts widget providers website) and then back to your related post. The process of redirection is very fast so keep your eyes open and look at the address bar for redirection. One of the most known widget that has this problem of soaking link juice is LinkWithIn Related Posts widget, this widget looks good and professional but with this negative point of the widget i would not recommend you to use it.
  • Check whether your related posts widget widget provider site providing different styles of the widget or just a single style. This is not a very important thing to check but if a related posts widget doesn't fits in your sites design then it can make your site look unprofessional.
So i have discussed all the major things that you must need to consider before selecting a related posts widget for your blog. So now i will describe you which related posts widget to use for your blog.

After seeing the negative points of LinkWithIn's Related Posts widget i decided to search for a better alternative that not only show effective related post but also provide various styles and customizations. After a little search i have found a widget which is actually good for our blogs and it is provided by Nrelate. This widget not only shows effective related posts but also provide various customizations and style for which i was looking. Also they do not force you to show their name nearby or below the widget in any way, it is totally optional so you can choose whether to show their name or not. One more thing about this widget, Nrelate offer you to show the sponsors ads in your related posts widget so you both can earn some money through your widget, but again it is totally optional so if don't want to show sponsors posts then simply select no in the options. I think this is the widget of choice for Blogger Templates, so if want to add Nrelate's Related Posts Widget to your blog then follow the below link:


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