Saturday 6 September 2014 review is another leading link Shrinking / link shortening website where users get paid for shrinking and sharing their links on internet. is giving tough competition to its competitors mainly,, etc.

Nowadays after the's issues with several countries has gain the interest of the bloggers and since it is paying high rates to its users it has become very popular among most of the webmasters. also uses CPM (Cost Per Mille) model which means it pays its users per thousand clicks on the shorten links. As every other advertising networks it also pays high rates for US,UK and few other countries but it also pays good rates for most of the countries and that will not disappoint you, you can check the payout rates on their website

To get the additional details about i signed up on website, the looks of the website is okay, not very impressive but it contains all the tools that a shorten URL service must have, so overall its a good site to try. So lets start its complete review:

Sign up And Approval:

Sign up and approval is quiet fast in, you can go to and sign up for an account and your account will be instantly approved. So there is no such restrictions in sign up and approval process.

Do i require a website / blog to use ?

No, you do not require any blog/website to sign up and use, as far as you have links to shorten and share you can use to generate income for yourself.

Reporting System:

Their reporting system is quiet impressive, as you log in to you can see your stats. The stats includes your daily earning, total earning, number of clicks received by all or a particular link, referrals earning etc. So overall they have a good reporting system.

Advertisement Types:

Currently they offer two types of advertisements one is interstitial ads, which is a full page ad but it pays high and other is framed banner ads, which pays a little low. So its up to you whether to choose interstitial ads or framed banner ads.

Advertisement tools:

They offer various tools so that you can easily use their shorten links such as mass shrinker, API, easy link, Google Analytics, full page script. You can get additional details about these tools on their website.

Payout Rates:

Payout rates on is quite high as compared to its competitors, so you will not be disappointed after using them so i recommend you to give it a try.

Minimum Payment Threshold:

Minimum Payment Threshold on is 10$ and currently they offer two payment processors to send your payments, which are Paypal and IBANN.

Payment Frequency: pays its users on monthly basis that is if you have accumulated 10$ in your account in the month of September mainly after 12th of September then you will be paid on 12th of October. 

Referral Program: offers a good referral program, i would say its good but not great because if you refer a user to then it pays only 10% of the referrals earning for lifetime while others are paying 20%, so this is the field where they could improve.

Can i share links on Facebook and Twitter ? has not mentioned anything about Facebook and Twitter on their terms and conditions page. So i think you can share their links on Facebook or Twitter but i would not recommend you to share any of the shorten URL's services links on social networking sites because they consider their links as spam links which can harm its users. So if you are thinking to share links on Facebook, Twitter or any other social networking website then share them on your own risk.


  • Anybody can register to and start sharing links instantly.
  • High CPM rates for most of the countries.
  • Doesn't require a blog/website.
  • All countries accepted.
  • Unlimited direct referrals.
  • Easy to use.


  • Low CPM rates for few countries.
  • Referral program is not attractive as others.
  • Restriction on sharing links on several sites.

Personal Advice:

You can use as they are one of the best shorten link service, also i have not found any bad review about So you should give a try to

Thinking Of Joining This Network: Details At A Glance:

Network Type:CPC, CPM
Type of Ads:Interstitial, Framed Banner
Banners Sizes:N/A
Countries Accepted:ALL
Payment Methods:PayPal, IBANN
Minimum Payment Threshold:$10
Payment Frequency:Monthly
Payment Proof:Coming Soon
Referral Program:Yes
Statistics Updated:Daily
Conflict with other programs and/or exclusivity:N/A
Website URL:

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