Thursday 10 October 2013

Best Blogging Communities To Promote Your Blog

What is Blogging Community ? 

Blogging community
Today platforms like Blogger and Wordpress has made blogging very easy for both professional and non-professional people. Every webmaster who creates a blog or website always try to promote his/her website and for that they use different platforms such as social networking sites, forums, top websites or blogs which have good Alexa and Google page rank. But, what many webmaster forget is Blogging Communities.

Also read: Why improving Alexa ranking so important?

A blogging community can be a website or a page like Facebook fan page where bloggers meet and share their posts with each other. All the bloggers in the community review posts of one another and then vote it up or down.

Today blogging communities are the great sources of traffic and therefore they can be used as a platform to promote your blogs. There are many blogging communities available online for both national and international users. International communities allow any webmaster to share his/her with other webmasters while, national or blogging communities for a specific area, region, country allows only those webmaster that belonging to their area or country. There are other communities for specific types of blogs such as blogging community for females, teenagers, males etc. So you can choose any type of blogging community that suits your needs and requirements.

Blogging communities helps both professional and non professional webmasters in the sense that non professional webmasters get some audience, who are looking for specific things but Google is not showing their posts on top whereas Professional webmasters gets some additional traffic for their blog. The best thing about blogging communities is that you get some visitors that voluntarily view or review your post while some use it as a traffic exchange site and for getting some additional backlinks.

Also read: How to improve Alexa traffic ranking of your blog or website.

Blogging communities allows you to communicate with other webmasters/bloggers and therefore you can ask other webmaster for backlinks and traffic exchange. Blogging communities also offer various prizes on a regular basis to motivate its members. Blogging communities also provide ranking to its members according to their performances and therefore , it make you feel superior from others and encourage you to work hard to be the number one in the community.

There are many other advantages of blogging communities and therefore i have found some best blogging communities for you.

Blog Engage :

Blog Engage Logo
Blog Engage is one of the best blogging communities, as its title "Engage with bloggers" suggest here you can meet other bloggers and can share your blog posts. Blog Engage lets you to communicate with other bloggers, make friends , share your posts with huge audience. In Blog Engage whenever you share a post it adds it up in the upcoming section, then other bloggers review it and if they like then they vote up your post. The post that gets the maximum votes is then shown on the homepage of Blog Engage.

Blogster :

Blogster logo
Blogster is also a free online blogging community for bloggers. Blogster also allows their users to interact with each other and share their articles with other bloggers. Blogster shows the recent posts on its homepage and also shows who is online so that u can interact them. The site looks decent and also it is easy to use.

FuelMyBlog :

fuel My Blog Logo
FuelMyBlog is also a great blogging community to join. Like other blogging communities it also let its users to interact with other users and share their posts. It also provides opportunity to win prizes and help its users to build their own networks. They also claim that they are spam free community, as they say that each and every blog is reviewed by its members before being accepted.


IndiBlogger Logo
IndiBlogger is a blogging community for Indian bloggers, i strongly recommend this community to all Indian bloggers. As i am an Indian, i use this community very often for promoting one of my blog. The website design is professional and is user friendly. It also works on the same principal, first you have to sign up and submit your website URL then your website is visited by its members. And once they approve your website then you can share your posts, interact with other blogger, make your own friend circle. On IndiBlogger when you submit a post it is reviewed by other users and then they can vote your posts up or down, the post that gets more votes is shown on top position. They also give awards like badges that you can place on your blogs to show your regular visitors. They also provide opportunities to win prizes.

Gather :

Gather Logo
Gather is another blogging community for bloggers, it also allows its users to share their post and lets them interact with each other. Like some other blogging communities it also shows the top post on the homepage but it categorizes them like sports, news, entertainment etc.

Blokube :

Blokube logo
Blokube is also a free blogging community, it also use the same tactics of voting up one another posts and the post with the maximum votes are shown on the home page. It also provides opportunity to categorize your blog posts in different categories.

Blog Interact :

Blog Interact logo
Blog interact is also a good blogging community, it also allows its users to share their posts and gives them online visibility according to the number of votes they receive.

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